About Grace’s Home Of Heroes

We are a non-profit organization that was incorporated in June of 2019 to serve as a resource for the elderly Veteran and Military communities of Mississippi.



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Unite with Founder: Amber Travis.

After losing her grandmother in October of 2016, Amber struggled with adjusting to life without her. Amber devoted her time to assisting her grandmother with her day-to-day activities and making her life a joyous one. Her vision for Grace’s Home of Heroes is to make sure Veterans are taken care of and GRACED with life’s joyous moments as they approach their later years.

A native of Hattiesburg, Mississippi, Amber is passionate about senior care. Raised by her grandmother, Amber learned the value in senior assisted living. Now that her grandmother is no longer physically here, Amber wants to be a part of ensuring that other seniors are able to enjoy life by aiding them with their daily activities and make sure they aren’t carrying a financial burden while doing so.

Amber has become inspired by volunteering with the VA Medical Center and learning that nearly 70% of veterans need assistance after being discharged, but they can’t always afford the help they need. She believes with the help of others, she can make her vision reality, by making sure elderly Veterans are taken care of without financial burden.

Amber’s vision is to make sure the financial status of an elderly veteran and their family does not interfere with making sure the Veterans are getting the love, care, attention and support they need to improve their quality of life.

Our Board Members

  • Amber Travis, Executive Director

  • Jerry Holifield, President

  • Deidra Harrell, Vice President

  • Jackquline Moore, Treasurer

  • Letoria Easterling, Secretary